Total Number of Visits For February : 1954

Hon Mayor
Cllr E. Paya

Anti-Fraud Hotline: 0800 205 053

Kopano ke Maatla go aga setshaba se kaone, mengwaga e masomepedi le go ya pele


Population figures

According to the statistics South Africa (census 2001), the total population of Molemole municipality is estimated at 109 4441. The municipality has a total of 27 889 households. The demographic figures of the municipality are represented in table A1.

Table A-1. Demographic figures for Molemole Municipality.

Population (2001) No of Households Average House size Population Density people/ha
109 441 27 889 3.92 3,36
Source: census 2001

Age and Gender Distribution

A large percentage of the population in Molemole is in the age group of 0-14 years who comprise 39, 35% of the total population. The next group just below the first one is the age category 15-34 years who make up 33, 88% of the total population. The above stated population figures projects high future population growth. The group 35-64 years show a relatively low population at 20, 75% of the total population. The lowest population number is in the age group of 65 years and above who are estimated at 6, 02% of total population. The age distribution by gender can be seen on table A2 which is and extract from CDM draft IDP 2006.\

A-2 Age distribution by gender for CDM.