Total Number of Visits For February : 1914

Hon Mayor
Cllr E. Paya

Anti-Fraud Hotline: 0800 205 053

Kopano ke Maatla go aga setshaba se kaone, mengwaga e masomepedi le go ya pele

Press Release

Media release on credit control and debit collection measures
Molemole review women
Molemole Local Municipality leads by example
Municipal inoculation program
Service delivery article 2020-2021
Mass vaccination outreach program
Press release in response to the DA's allegations against the Mayor
Media Alert - CoGHSTA and partners offer a helping hand to the Moto family
Morebeng Traffic Station Break In
Traffic Station Opening
Career Expo Media Release
Audit Findings 2012/13
Agriculture Summit
Media Statement on Mabare Community Land Hand Over