Total Number of Visits For February : 1956

Hon Mayor
Cllr E. Paya

Anti-Fraud Hotline: 0800 205 053

Kopano ke Maatla go aga setshaba se kaone, mengwaga e masomepedi le go ya pele

Tender Opening Register


Tender Opening Register Sekonye Internal Street 25 November 2024

Procurement and Installation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

Travel Management Services



highmast light

Coordination of Investor Conference

Review of Molemole Economic Development Strategy

Construction of Ramokgopa Landfill Site Phase 1

Tender Opening Register Supply and Delivery of 2x Graders




Tender Opening Register Leasing of photocopiers

Tender Opening Register Provision of Security Services

Appointment of 5 panel of Service Providers for the Provision of Training Developent fo 36 months

Supply and Installation of Wi Fi for 36 months

Tender Opening Register Growth Development Strategy

Renovaion of Morebeng LandFill Site

Appointment of Panel.comof Construction of Civil Infrastructure in Molemole for 36 months

Panel of Service providers for Civil engineering for 36 months

Project Management and supervision of Ramokgopa landfill site

Sekonye to Springs upgrading of 6_1km internal streets

Opening Preparation of AFS

Apr 16, Doc 1

Bid Awarded Register 202324 Financial Year (2)

Tender Opening Design and Construction of Culvert Bridges in Broekman

Tender Opening Design and Construction of Culvert Bridges in Fatima

Tender Opening Design and Construction of Culvert Bridges in Moleele

Renovation of Morebeng Land Fill Site

Agricultural skills development and mentorship

Panel of Electrification Contractors

Supply and Delivery of 2x 7 Seater Vehicles

Supply and Delivery of Skip Bins

Tender Opening Register Repairs of Mogwadi DLTC and Moletji Branch

Tender Opening Register Provision of Indigent System

Tender Opening Register Construction of Landfil Site

Tender Opening Register Re-Gravelling of Internal Streets

Opening Register Supply and Delivery of Municipal Billing Printer

Opening Register Rehabilitation of Mohodi Sports Complex

Opening Register Construction of Culvert Bridges

Opening Register Agricultural Skills Development Mentorship

Tender Opening register Panel of Stationery

Sep 1, Doc 1

Supply, Delivery and Construction of Concrete Palisade Fence

Provision of Short-Term Insurance

Supply and Delivery of PPE

Supply, Delivery and Installation Hygiene Equipment

Upgrading of 650m of Morebeng Internal Street

Supply and Delivery of 10x 6m3 Skip Bins

Design and Construction of 650M Morebeng Internal Streets from Gravel to Surfacing

Electrification of 500 households at Maponto village

Panel of Service Providers for training and development for a period of 24 months

Unbundling of 400 households in Ga-Maponto village

Upgrading of Mogwadi 3.1km 2

Upgrading of Mogwadi 3.1km 1

DesignPre Engineering For Mamotshana-Sekhwama-Mashaha-Mokgehle

Electrification of 34 Households in Nthabiseng

Electrification of 50 Households in Shellinburg Turnkey

Electricity of 125 households at Matseke village (Turnkey)

Electrification of 100 households at Capricorn village Turnkey

Electrification of 120 households at Mangata village (Turnkey)

Supply Delivery and Construction of Concrete palisade fence & Guardroom

Dermation of 230 sites in Mogwadi

Tender Opening Register for Palisade Fence and Guard Room

Maupye Upgrading of 3.1 KM Internal street from gravel to Surfacing

Mokgehle Upgrading of 3.0 KM Internal Street from Gravel to surfacing

Supply delivery and Installation of Office Equipment

Tender Opening register for Mogwadi Upgrading of Internal street

Agricultural skills development and mentorship

Supply and delivery of seeds

Dermacation of sites

mogwadi internal street

Supply and delivery of ICT

Maintenance of Cleaning Equipment

Travel Mangement Services for a Period of 24 Months

Supply and Delivery of a Skip Loader

Supply_ Delivery and Installation of ONE(1) mini Substation and TWO(2) power transformers

Supply_ Delivery and Installation of 3x Energy Saving HighMast Lights

Supply and Delivery of Skip Loader

MIG- MIS Programme Management at Full Scale Reporting and Data Management

Feasibility Study for Construction of Morebeng

Feasibility Study for Construction of Mogwadi DLTC VTS

Implementation of Revenue Enhancementcredit control

Unbundling of Moletji Cluster3 Electrification

Tender Register

Appointment of a panel of two service providers for the supply and delivery of municipal stationery and cartridge for 12 months

Preparation of 2021_22 AFS and 2022_23 Third quater and Afs

Supply_ Delivery and Configuration of the Municipal Billing Printer

Travel Management Services for a period of 24 months

Panel of Attorneys

Planning_ Design and project management of 3_7 mogwadi upgrading

Planning_Design and project management 3_1 Ga- maupye upgrading

Planning_Design and project management 3_0 Ga- mokgehle upgrading

Panel of 5 Diesel mechanics for service maintanance and repairs of municipal fleet

Construction of Ga- Sako upgrading of 1.7KM internal streets

Feasibility and Design of a Landfill Site in Ramokgopha Village

Planning_ Design and Project Management of Mogwadi Office Block Extension

Agricultural Skills Development and Mentorship

Dermacation of 250 Sites

Survey of Existing Settlement

Opening register Panel of Mechanics

Development and maintenance of the MGV

Agricultural Skills Development and Mentorship

Request of six (6) Legal Firm to appear on the Municipal Panel of Attornes

Agricultural Skills Development and Monitoring

Panel of Attorneys

Sefoloko Bridge

Electrification in Fatima

Ga phaudi upgrading of 2.5 kilometers internal street

Ramokgopa landfill site

Supply Delivery Install and Commissioning of two Back up Diesel Generator

Supply and Delivery of SABS approved 150 single phase split

Compilation of Precinct plan

Demarcation of 250 Sites at Mogwadi

Monitoring of Evaluation of 40 Farmers

Procurement_ Supply and Delivery of Assorted Seeds Packs

Supply and Delicery of Tractor Grass Cutting Machine

Supply and Delivery of 2x Branded New Vehicles

Surveying of Existing Settlement

Supply_Delivery and Installation of 6x high mast light

Supply_ Delivery and Installation of 15 Culverts

Ga- Sako upgrading of Internal Street

Provision of Security for period of 36 Months(West and East)

Open Register for upgrading of Ga-Sako


Provision of Security for a Period of 36 Months in Molemole Municipality (West and East)

Phaudi upgrading of internal.comstreets

Construction of 1.4 km Road Linking kgwadi primary school and Batlokwa primary school

Development of Municipal Revenue

Mogwadi upgrading of internal streets

Asset verification system

Prepayment electiricity vending solutions

Implementation of DRP

Leasing of 3x Copier

Aircon Repair

Data Analysis

Dermacation of 270 Sites

Surveying of existing settlement

SMME Training and Development for 5 years.

Uploading of Inventory Register on Municipal.

Leasing of Plant and Equipment

Panel of mechanics

Panel of supply and delivery of Stationery

Disaster Recovery

Supply and delivery of stationery and cartridges

Supply and delivery and installation of culverts bridges

Audit and recovery of long outstanding VAT receivable for period of 12 months

Construction of 0.7km road linking Kgwadu Primarys School

Supply and delivery of PPE and Uniform

LED energy saving lights 300 installation

Construction of Grand stand of mohodi sports complex

Supply and Delivery of Alcotest

Training Development SMME'S

Electrification of Fatima Village

Grand Stand and Auxillary Work at Mohodi

Instalation of 280 LED energy savings

Installation of 3x energy savings high mast light

Installation of two (2) back up 25kva three phases

Provision of Short term Insurance brokerage

SABS Approved 500 Single Phase Split

Electrification of Fatima Village

Capricorn Internal Street

Electrification of Fatima Village

Nthabiseng internal street

Planning_Design and Management of 2.1km Road Kgwadu to Botlokwa Primary School

Preparation of AFS

VAT tender opening register

Design and construct 500 seater grand stands for mohodi sports complex

Uploading of Inventory Register on Municipal System

insurance brokage

Feasibility studies for Molemole West

Cleaning Material

Culvert Bridge (13_14_15_16)

Culvert Bridge (9 to 12)

Culvert Bridge (5 to 8)

Culvert Bridge (1 to 4 )

Surveying of Existing Settlement

Service and Maintenance of Air Conditioner for a Period of twelve Months

Properity Audit for a Properties Registered of the Municipal Council

Devlopment of Land Scheme

Compliant of Precinect Plan

Highmast Lights

Prepaid Split Meters

Supply and Delivery of a Skip Loader Truck

Supply and Installation of TLB

Supply and Installation of Grand Stand for Mohodi sports Complex

Construction of Moletji Cluster Office

Upgrading of Ramokgopa Stadium

Dermacation of Sites at Dendron

Supply and Delivery of a New Motor Grader

Supply and Delivery of a Tipper Truck

Feasibility studies for Molemole East

Feasibility studies for Molemole West

Travel Mangement Services

Capricorn Park Upgading of Internal Street From Gravel to Surfacing Phase 2

Nthabiseng Upgrading of Internal Street Phase 3

Supply, Install, Program and Configure SABS approved Commercial and Industrial 3 Phase single

Data cleansing indigent and custormer affordability

Intergrated waste management

Implementation of Disaster Recovery Plan

Demarcation of 150 Sites at Ratsaka

Nhabiseng Internal Street

Capricorn Park Upgrading of internal street

Audit of information technology

Performance Management system

Panel of Attorneys

Audit of information technology

Implementation of Disaster recovery Plan

Darmacation of 150 Sites at Ratsaka Village

Supply & Delivery of 6m3 Bulk Refuse Containers

Design and contrsution of Matipana Madikana Gravel to Tar road phase 3

Financial Accounting Support

Preparation of Annual Financial Statement

Acquisition of Panel of Attoneys

Investment Coordination

Financial Accounting Support for 2018/2019

Valuation of the 400 Vacant Residential Stands for the Purpose of Selling Disposal of Stands in Dendron & Morebeng Areas

Supply, Installation Configuration Services and Maintanance of Premise IP BPX Telephone Management System with VPN Connectivity for 6 Months

Wheelie Bins

Implementation of Disaster Recovery Plan for a Period of three(3) years

Construction of Nthabiseng Internal Street form gravel to Tar Road

Design & Construction of Mohodi Sports Complex Extension

Design & Construction of Mohodi to Maponto from gravel to tar Road Phase 3

Service and Maintenance of Air Conditioners on as and When Basis a for a period of 12 Months

Supply , Installation and Maintenance of Office Cleaning equipment and Accessories

Supply and Delivery of X2 Sedans

Provision of Security Services

Beautification of Morebeng Town

Renovation and Extension of Mogwadi Tennis Court (Phase 2)

Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Office Cleaning Equipment and Accessories for a Period of twenty four(24) Months(

Leasing of 2x Photocopy Machine

Environment Compliant Management System

Supply , Installation & Maintanance of office Cleaning Equipment & Accessories (24 months)

Beautification of Morebeng Town

Renovation & Extension of Mogwadi Tennis Court (Phase 2)

Supply & Delivrey of Electrical 1x New Pick up Bakkie

Supply, Delivery & Installation of Street lights in Mogwadi & Morebeng Town

Upgrading Electricity Network & Installation of CTVT at Mogwadi & Morebeng Town

Planning , Design Project Management of Upgrading Capricorn Park Internal Street from Gravel to tar road


Travel Management


Design and Construction of matipana to Madikana tar road

Mohodi Sports Complex

Office Furniture

Planning . Design and Project Management of Nthabiseng internal street

Ramokgopa to Eisleben from gravel to tar road phase 3

Supply and Delivery of Bakkie

Wheelly Bins

Supply, Installation and Monitoring of Vehicle Tracking System for 36 Months

Annual Financial Statement 2017

Design and Construction of Matipana to Madikana Tar Road


Investment Coordination

LED Strategy Review

Mohodi Sports Complex

Plan Design and Project Management of Nthabiseng Internal Street

ramokgopa to Eisleben Gravel to Tar roads

Spatial Development Framework

Tractor Loader Backhoe


Mahodi sports complex

Design & construction of matipana to Maaikana road

LED Strategy

Spatial Development Framework

Compilation of Municipal Infrastructure Asset Management

Construction of Highmast Lights At Ga-Phasha

Molemole Investment Coordination and Facilitation

Protective Clothing

Ramokgopa Stadium

Refurblishment of Mogwadi Landfillsite

Supply, Delivery and Installation Assembly of Office Furniture and Office Equipment

Supply, Delivery and Installation of Steel Parking Bays at Mogwadi and Morebeng Offices

Supply, Delivery Offloading of 6m Bulk Refuse Containers

Travel Management Agency

Upgrading of Cemetries at Mogwadi Cemetery

Upgrading of Server Room

Coordination of Ward Committee Conference

Repairs and Maintenance of Assets from former Aganang Municipality

TENDER (BIDS) REGISTER FOR 2016/17 Financial year

Refurbishment of Mogwadi Landfill

Audit of community facility

Beautification plan

Cleaning equipment and accesories

Construction of Ramokgopa low level bridge

Consultant for Mogwadi internal streets

Consultant for Mohodo to Maponto Gravel to tar

Development of intergrated transport plan

Investment promotion

Supply,delivery and istallation of electricity split meters

Township establishment

Upgrading of Mogwadi Internal street-contractor

Madikana low level Bridge

Upgrading of electricity network at Mogwadi

Supply and Delivery of Protective Clothing for Municipal Employees

Construction of Ramokgopa to Eisleben Gravel to Tar Road

Construction of Madiehe Low Level Bridge

Audit of Community Facilities

Beautification Plan

Construction of Mohodi-Thupana Phase 2

Design and Construction of Rank

Design and Construction of Taxi Rank

Development of ITP

Facilitation and Co-Ordination of Investment Opportunities


Mohodi-Madikana Internal Street Maintanance

Morebeng Change Rooms

Ramatjowe Low Level Bridge

Refurbishment of Mogwadi Landfill

Refurbishment of Mogwadi Landfill

Relocation of Electricity Meter

Supply,Delivery and Installation of Split Meter

Township Establishment

Upgrade Electricity Network

Travel Management Service

Consultant-Mogwadi Internal Streets

Cleaning Equipment and Accessories in 08 Municipal Buildings

Supply and Delivery of Motor Grader

Supply and Construction of Palisade Fence

Highmast Lights

Appointment of Pannel of Attorneys

Panel of Attornies

Annual Financial Statement for 2014/2015

Construction of Machaka to Sekakene Gravel to Tar Road

Repairs and Maintanace of Heavy Machineries

Re-Advert: Mohodi Internal Streets Maintance

Supply & Delivery of Protective Clothing

Re-Advert: Hightmast Lights at Machaka & Makgata

Tender Opening Register September 2014

Preparation of GRAP Complient AFS

Mohodi to Thupana Gravel to Tar

Compilation of Electricity Masterplan for Mogwadi and Morebeng Towns

Supply and Delivery of 1X New Ton Truck Equiped with Crane Basket

Supply & Delivery of Protective Clothing

Re-Advert: Hightmast Lights at Machaka & Makgata

Tender Opening Register September 2014

Electricity Renewal Projects for Mogwadi and Morebeng Towns

Supply, Delivery & Installation fo Highmast Lights at Machaka & Makgato Tribal Offices

Mogwadi Landfill Site (Supply and Construction of Palisade Fence, Gate & Pit Toilet)

Establishment of Parks (Renovation of Mogwadi Park Phase 3)

Beautification Plan

Design and Construction FG2 Eisleben Cross

Supply, Installation Configuration Service & Maintance of Premise PABX Telephone System

Madikana Internal Streets Mainatance

Consultant, Machaka to Sekakene Gravel to tar

Mogwadi Internal Street Maintance

Proposal from Service Providers for a 24 Months Laptop with 3G Modem Package for Councillors

Construction of Mohodi Sports Complex

Re-Professional Service Civil Egnineering for Design, Project Management Commission of Machaka

Supply and Delivery of 3 Sedans
Madikana Internal Streets Mainatance

Consultant, Machaka to Sekakene Gravel to tar

Mogwadi Internal Street Maintance

Proposal from Service Providers for a 24 Months Laptop with 3G Modem Package for Councillors

Construction of Mohodi Sports Complex

Re-Professional Service Civil Egnineering for Design, Project Management Commission of Machaka

Provision of Security Service